Customer reviews and feedback

  1. Buyers who have purchased ZOOMBOOK products from the Seller on the basis of the contract can express their evaluation or feedback about the purchased products or the services provided by the Seller.
  2. Evaluations are collected at the initiative of the Company, who contact the Buyers at their specified e-mail address after the Buyer has purchased a ZOOMBOOK product, thus ensuring that the evaluation is received from a person who actually purchased the ZOOMBOOK product. After the Buyer participates in an online survey and evaluates the product or services in a ten-point system, the Buyer's evaluation is not published publicly. The Customer confirms that he/she has familiarized himself/herself with the provisions published in the Seller's Privacy Policy regarding the use of his/her contact details for the purposes of the survey.
  3. Feedback, i.e. the opinion submitted by the Customer, after the Buyer evaluates the seller's product or services in a five-point system, is published on the website
  4. The Buyer confirms that he/she understands that the ZOOMBOOK product is manufactured according to the Buyer's special choices and instructions, therefore the Buyer's individual actions (e.g. the resolution of the submitted photos, individual misunderstanding of how to use the editing program, using the telephone support outside working hours and similar reasons) may affect the quality of the product/services or the Buyer's experience, and the Buyer's negative feedback must have a sufficient factual basis and factual circumstances, therefore it is recommended to contact the Seller directly at
  5. By submitting feedback, the Buyer agrees that the feedback may be published free of charge according to the Seller's preferences on the Seller's websites, in direct marketing messages to other customers, by promoting the Seller's product or services on news portals or social networks, publishing news, etc.
  6. The Seller publishes authentic reviews, i.e. only submitted by the customers themselves. Only the length of the message can be corrected without changing the essence of the message, for example an obvious grammatical or punctuation error.
  7. The seller does not publish feedback provided by buyers if they contradict:
    a) the requirements of legal acts;
    b) are related to illegal activities;
    c) the content of the feedback is offensive, disrespectful, manifestly unfounded, unsupported by facts or misrepresented;
    d) or not related to the Seller's services or brand or the person who submitted the feedback did not use the Seller's services;
    e) personal or other sensitive information is indicated (e.g. e-mail addresses, telephone numbers and similar data);
    f) reviews contain profanity, hate speech, discrimination, threats and;
    g) otherwise unethical reviews.
  8. Reviews are published in Dutch or English.
  9. Customers publish reviews free of charge.
  10. Only the name of the Buyer who submitted the feedback and the feedback itself are publicly displayed. The data of the Buyer (e.g. the name, e-mail address, phone number or other information that the Seller processes on legal grounds) who submitted the feedback is not published.
  11. If buyers want their feedback to be removed from the website, the Seller, after receiving a removal request from the customer via email, can remove the feedback submitted by the customer.