Privacy policy

I. General provisions

Personal privacy protection is given great importance, so it is important that You know when and what data is collected, stored and used when you visit (.com, .lv, .ee) websites or mobile application ZOOMBOOK or ZOOMBOOK Postcards, hereinafter referred to as the ZOOMBOOK website, or purchase products from us or otherwise provide us with your personal data.

We are a company registered in the Republic of Lithuania in Vilnius under the name UAB BALTO trader, company code 302429186, Utenos g. 41B, LT-08217 Vilnius, tel. +319 701 026 5029, e-mail: which is the controller of Your personal data.

These personal data processing rules apply to all persons, including those who are not registered on the ZOOMBOOK website, as far as this is not in conflict with the Purchase Policy, legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts applicable in the Republic of Lithuania.

II. What personal information about You do we collect?

When you visit or register on our ZOOMBOOK website, use the ZOOMBOOK website, buy a ZOOMBOOK product, subscribe to newsletters, participate in surveys, contests and games, or contact us for information or give us permission to use the data provided by You by selecting the appropriate option, we collect:

  • IP address, address of the visited page, address of the previous page, date and time, browser type and version;
  • user name, password;
  • Your photos and other content uploaded by You;
  • Your name, surname, telephone number, address, e-mail address;
  • Purchase and payment information (date of purchase, item price, quantity, mark of order execution process, IP address, discount code, order date, product name, product code);
  • delivery details (address and telephone number). If it was purchased for another person, we will collect their delivery details and contact information;
  • documents confirming the fulfilment of conditions of games and competitions, as far as participation in the promotional campaign or the right to participate in the game is concerned;
  • content of sent messages, feedback or ratings received, history of correspondence;
  • when you come to the ZOOMBOOK website from third-party pages, newsletters, banner ads, we capture from which source the visitor came, the name of the campaign and its position, and we associate this data with the order.

III. How we use Your personal data

We collect, process and store Your personal data only on the legal grounds defined by the legal acts regulating personal data protection – in order to conclude and (or) execute the agreement concluded with you or use the data provided with Your consent:

  • to improve your service and experience by visiting the ZOOMBOOK website or using its services, to upgrade the ZOOMBOOK website in order to be closer to You;
  • to ensure the conditions for You to create customized ZOOMBOOK products;
  • to process your ZOOMBOOK product orders, issue financial documents (such as invoices), for the provision of data to the competent authorities when required by legislation;
  • to transfer Your ordered ZOOMBOOK product to our suppliers and deliver it to You;
  • we will contact You by e-mail and mobile network, to consult and resolve issues with ZOOMBOOK product orders or delivery;
  • If you have selected the appropriate options (permissions), to inform you about exclusive promotions or discounts, to submit similar offers by e-mail and/or SMS message;
  • You can withdraw this consent at any time;
  • we would like to ask for your opinion on the quality of our products or services and invite you to participate in a market research.If You do not agree to allow us to use Your personal data for this purpose, please inform us immediately.
  • to fulfil other obligations, related to our services.
  • We also use the services of Facebook and other online advertising providers. You can read about the privacy policies of these service providers, the data collected and the person data protection measures applied in the privacy policies of the aforementioned service providers. More information on how it works, as well as information on how you can object to the showing of such advertisements or such use of data, can be found in the information provided by the aforementioned service providers.

IV. How do we use cookies and online monitoring programs?

In order to make Your visits to the ZOOMBOOK website more convenient and improve the quality of our services, we use cookies – small pieces of textual information that are automatically generated when you browse the website and are stored on Your computer or other terminal device, e.g. Google Analytics Website Analysis Service for marketing and optimization purposes provided by Google Inc. (Google).

You can choose whether you want to accept cookies. If you do not agree to save cookies on Your computer or other terminal device, You can change Your Internet browser settings and turn off all cookies or turn them on / off one by one while most browsers are set to prevent cookies from being stored on Your device. However, please note that in some cases this may slow down the speed of browsing the web, restrict ZOOMBOOK website functionality or block access to the website. More details are available on the ZOOMBOOK website section: Cookies

V. How do we protect your data?

We ensure that all Your data is collected, processed and stored in accordance with the requirements of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and other European Union legal acts regulating personal data protection directly applicable in the Republic of Lithuania by means of the necessary organizational and technical measures to protect Your data from accidental or unlawful disclosure, destruction, alteration, and also from unauthorized processing.

ZOOMBOOK team is introduced to the requirements of personal data protection and ensures compliance with the organizational arrangements for processing data. Access to data is restricted to ZOOMBOOK authorized persons who are responsible for the technical, commercial and content editing supervision of the ZOOMBOOK website.

All Your personal information is encrypted, both during transfer and storage.

Each photo book or other ZOOMBOOK product, including all images, photos, or other type of uploaded content, is protected by your unique e-mail address and password. Other people cannot see the ZOOMBOOK products You have created and the content they contain, without these two data. Therefore, we recommend that You carefully select Your password and not share it with third parties and safely manage it.

If you have decided to use Your purchased ZOOMBOOK product layout linking service, we provide technical data transfer protection as far as transactions with link recipients are concerned, however, regardless of the technical safeguards we provide, You remain responsible for sharing the layout link of the ZOOMBOOK product. For more information, see: Zoombook layout linking rules.

VI. To whom do we disclose Your data?

We will not disclose any of Your personal data, except to the related companies (UAB BALTO and UAB BALTO print) and business partners, without which ZOOMBOOK services cannot be provided to You smoothly. In such case, we want to ensure that other persons who may be provided with personal data apply appropriate organizational and technical measures to protect personal data received from any unlawful processing. We share data with the following business categories:

  • Providers of data hosting and storage services;
  • Accounting service providers;
  • Payment service providers;
  • ZOOMBOOK products manufacturers;
  • Courier (postal) service providers;
  • Providers of electronic communications services and networks;
  • To others, with Your consent, which may be obtained on a for a specific case;

For more information, see: List of personal data processors. If a new company is included or removed from the list, this list will be updated to reflect the new structure of the ZOOMBOOK personal data processors.

We will not share Your data with other companies without Your permission, unless:

  • In response to requests from court or public authorities, only to the extent necessary to properly enforce existing legislation or court order/testimony.
  • To negotiate with a third party for the sale or purchase of ZOOMBOOK business;in which case we may disclose Your personal data to the prospective buyer of such business;

We may transfer Your personal data to third-party data processors located in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who are involved with Your order processing, processing of payment data, and the provision of ancillary services. Please note that non-EEA countries may not offer the same data protection level as in the European Union, but we always require that third-party data processors process Your personal data in accordance with the legal requirements applicable to personal data protection.

VII. Data storage

We process and store Your data as long as You use our services, and only to the extent permitted by this Privacy Policy and the personal data protection laws, for the full duration of the service (purchase) and by the statutory term after expiry of the agreement (e.g. for the purpose of archiving as set out in legal acts). This also applies to anyone with whom we share data and who provide services on our behalf.

We have also established and implemented a storage term for ZOOMBOOK products, including ZOOMBOOK product layouts and photos used on them, which will be stored in a secure, encrypted environment, but not more than 2 (two) years from the day of Your purchase of ZOOMBOOK product. ZOOMBOOK product, which were began to create,  but not ordered yet, will be stored for 6 months from the date when the ZOOMBOOK product was began to create or created. At the end of the storage term, personal data will be deleted automatically or by an authorized ZOOMBOOK employee.

Your feedback and ratings will be processed for 3 years from the submission of the feedback or rating for the purpose of customer identification due to the provided feedback.

VIII. Your Rights

  • You have the right to know what personal data we have accumulated from You.
  • You have the right to know which data recipients Your personal data has been supplied and submitted within the last 1 year.
  • You have the right to ask for correction of incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate data.
  • You have the right to request that we delete the personal data about You.
  • You have the right to request that we stop processing Your personal data.

To receive information about collected information about Your personal data or contact for processing incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate data and request correction or deletion, send us an e-mail request at by specifying the 'Data Collection Request' in the header of the message.

We may ask you to provide us with an identity confirming document that allows us to properly identify You. Upon confirmation of Your identity, information about Your processed data will be provided within 30 calendar days from the date of the written request.

Information is provided free of charge. If we find that requests are manifestly unfounded or disproportionate, in particular because of their duplicate content, we may charge a reasonable fee based on the administrative costs of providing information or reports or actions requested, or refuse to act on request.

IX. Data protection for Minors

We recommend that minors under the age of 18 always consult their parents or guardians before sending any information about themselves to anyone on the Internet.

If you are under 18 years of age, You should not submit Your personal data to ZOOMBOOK without the consent of Your parents or guardians.

If you are a parent/guardian and have found out that Your underage child under the age of 18 uses the ZOOMBOOK website, but you do not want that, contact us by e-mail at and we will remove all relevant data as soon as possible.

X. Where to report a violation of rights

If you believe that Your rights regarding the processing and storage of personal data have been violated, please contact us by email at and we will work to resolve the issues as quickly as possible.
You can also file a complaint with the State Data Protection Inspectorate of the Republic of Lithuania, A. JuozapaviÄŤiaus g. 6, 09310 Vilnius, tel. +370 5 271 2804, +370 5 279 1445, e-mail:

XI. How Privacy Policy is changed

Additions or changes to Your privacy policy are posted on the ZOOMBOOK website at: Privacy Policy and are effective from their publication, i.e. from the date they are posted on the ZOOMBOOK website.
We recommend that You periodically visit the ZOOMBOOK website and get acquainted with the latest version of Privacy Policy. We will inform you if we make important changes.
The rules for processing ZOOMBOOK personal data were last updated on 27-11-2023.